Unique Wedding Dress Options

Last weekend I was talking to a newly engaged friend who really wants a black wedding dress, but her mom isn't quite into it. Personally, I chose a traditional gown for my wedding, but I love the idea! And a black wedding dress fits her personality perfectly. Make sure your wedding dress screams you! Haven't thought about an alternative dress? Something unique, that's not pure white? Well here are some ideas.

Traditional white with a touch of black

Black Gowns

Bustier Gowns

Red Gowns

Gowns with a Cape

Floral Gowns

Blue Gowns

Shades of Pink

These are just some ideas. In reality, it's your wedding / your day. You can wear whatever you want to. Whether it's a uniquely colored dress, a white gown, a tux, jeans and a t-shirt, whatever makes you comfortable. But we are curious! So let us know, what would you choose? Already married? Say you could do it over and wear something new. Decided to stay traditional? Pretend tradition is the nontraditional - then what would you pick?

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